Osho Meditations happening everyday online on Zoom and YouTube

Osho Dynamic Meditation session begins at 6:30 AM with some warm-up with jogging. Then there is laughter facilitated by Swami Bodhi Vartman. At about 6:45 starts the Dynamic Meditation facilitated by Swami Atmo Ninad. After this everyone enjoys Vipassana meditation for about 15 minutes.
The evening session begins few minutes before 6:30 PM with some welcome music. At 6:40 PM starts the beautiful meeting of the Osho White Robe Brotherhood with a dance celebration followed by silent sitting. The silence then continues through the Osho talk. The meeting concludes with a Gibberish Meditation and Celebration guided by Osho.
Meeting ID: 895 5835 2607
Passcode: 197429
YouTube Channel: Antar Chetna
To subscribe clicking on the following link:
There is a dedicated telegram group in which the links are sent daily. It’s free. To join click: https://t.me/OshoMeditateCelebrate
There is Whatsapp group also “OSHO Meditate Celebrate”. In this group besides all the links, the audios played in the Meditations and Satsang are also sent daily. One may join by contribution of Rs. 500 only one-time. To join whatsapp Swami Govind at 798-813-7928

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